Monday, February 22, 2010

This Post is Brought to You by Inordinate Amounts of Coffee

Once again, my normal posting schedule has been thwarted by the evil, conniving, cold hearted beast that is my job.

Beware, job. You will get what is coming to you. I will have my revenge and I will seek these missing moments of my life back!

I may be small, but I am RUTHLESS!

(Aaaaaand. I've lost my mind.)

Anyrambles, seeing as how I can't produce a damn thing worth reading as this juncture, I will direct you to some pretty fantastic people that can.

If you are not on this list, I apologize. These are really just a snippet of the blogs I follow and the ones I honestly look forward to reading everyday.


Amy is a girl I met in my first year of undergrad and desperately wish would have gotten to know better. She's an excellent writer and has an awesome sarcastic sense of humor. She also will probably hate me for doing this, but you should all go check out her little corner, Bookends.

Kate has a very unique style of blogging that I love. As she reveals stories from her life, she only exposes a small amount at a time; leaving the ends of her blogs with the ever feared and often loathed " be continued." But the girl pulls it off. Follow her along the path to find the Perfect 10.

Mandy is a one big Funfetti cupcake made of snark and spice and everything hysterical. When she isn't making people pee their pants on her blog, she is the Relationship Angst Examiner for Detroit (ROCK CITYYYYY!!!!*) Her handle also happens to be the #3 search term of people who end up here.

Just A Girl is one of my favorite people. Ever. Sadly the evil, conniving, cold hearted beast that is her job just recently has thwarted her from social media in its entirety while she is at work. However, her blog, Dramatic Sigh, is still magnificent. Especially if you love all that can be inappropriate and ridiculous.

MJenks. I'm sure most of you know him so I am not going to explain him. I don't think I could if I tried, anyway. He recently moved his corner of the internets to Vita Brevis.

Carissa is honestly one of the funniest people I know. Her TMIs are always priceless and I can count on her blog to put a smile on my face no matter how much my fellow employees hate me.

And TheOddDuckling? He's just plain awesome. I mean... he's a teacher. And he loves french toast. And he wrote about 90s cartoons today.

... there are so many more blogs I want to direct you to, but my clever quota is on E. So if these bitches don't entertain you enough then scroll on down to my blog roll and check those hookers out.

* Sorry. I had to do it.


Amy said...

Aw, shucks. Also, the word verification always asks me to type things I don't understand which leaves me shouting, "I am human! I am!" at the computer screen.

JeffScape said...

Word up. I'll definitely check them out.

Speaking of, your Orange blog is becoming painfully lonely... cough, cough.

Kendall said...

I am awesome, aren't I? And not above a little narcissism either.

carissajaded said...

Thanks so much for the shout out! I love your blog too!!! For Seriously!!! I am afraid I am going to be a horrible blogger this week.. but I'll be back as soon as I get this freaking movie week out of the way.

Mandy said...

i love you jeney (said in forrest gump voice). the funny thing is, as i read your first 2 sentences i was like "yea my blog sucks lately too, i haven't wrote anything productive and my job is super lame", and then you go and give me a cookie. you're the best. i love your cookies. this all made no sense.

GingerMandy said...

i love you jeney (said in forrest gump voice). the funny thing is, as i read your first 2 sentences i was like "yea my blog sucks lately too, i haven't wrote anything productive and my job is super lame", and then you go and give me a cookie. you're the best. i love your cookies. this all made no sense.