Monday, March 1, 2010

My Final Post

No, no, no! Not my final post EVER. That's just silly!

I meant my final post here at

I have decided to move my little corner of the internet to

So you know the drill... if you treasure your life wish to continue reading my rubbish, go update your reader, bookmarks, etc. Like, now.

Please and thank you!

I wish you all quiet Mondays with copious amounts of coffee and Pandora bliss.


Tasha said...

i will miss seeing you on here, keep writting anywhere you want and i will keep reading.

Leigh Hutchens Burch said...


This is a lot of work to continue following you...

oh, wait! Worth it.

*heading to wordpress like now.*

Blogs said...

I was about to say...where the fuck you going! Good to know where you'll be! I'll stalk ya over there:)