Monday, April 13, 2009

WoRsT pOsT eVaR!


So, like, I met this guy 4 months ago at this bar. He wuz sUpEr cUtE but such an @$$! He refused 2 by me a drink, made fun of my small boobs, & tOtAlLy made fun of my drunkness! I thought he wuz putting up a front & just trying 2 be funny so gave him my digits anywayz. (I wuz sOoOoO wrong!)

He left 4 lAs VeGaS (wOo HoO!) the weekend after we hooked up met. I figured he wood just forget me around all those hawt sHoW gIrLz & gAmBlInG… but he texted me the nite he got back in 2 town! I wuz sOoOoO ExCiTeD!! We met up at the bars for the next couple weekends after that & had a gReAt time! But then he stopped texting me 4 like, 2 wEeKs! (Did I mention he told me he doesn’t like 2 talk on the phone? He only texts… weird, huh?)

AnYwAyZ, I thought the hole thing wuz done & got over it. I mean, I thought about him all the time & checked his facebook profile everyday 2 see what he wuz doing & facebooked all his friends but it wasn’t like I wuz into him anymore!

Then when I wuz out at my FaVoRiTe bar with my fRiEnDs & he came up behind me, wrapped his arm around me, & whispered in my ear. I wuz all like, WTF?! Then he totally got jealous of all my guy friends that were their! It was AwEsOmE! I was all like, take THAT jerk!

He wuz sOoOoOo cute, though! I just couldn’t resist him! Even tho all my friends said to stay away from him, I asked him out on a date (he wuz taking wAaAy 2 long anywayz! I mean, it wuz March already!) & he said yes. I thought the date wuz sOoOo much fUn! We tAlKeD & lAuGhEd the hole time! He said he had 2 go 2 his friends after dinner 4 a birthday party so we didn’t hang out after. But that was OK. I wuz SuRe he wood text me the next day. But he didn’t. Or the day after that. Or the week after that.

So now I am officially oVeR him! I dunno know why I wasted my tImE! Boyz are sOoOoO stoopid!

Note: I was originally going to post this ‘for real’ highlighting the fact that He’s Just Not that Into You didn’t exactly sink into my thick head. Then I was inspired by this thread to turn it into an entry into 20SB’s Worst Post Ever Contest. You think writing a quality post is hard? Try to consciously write a bad one.


Just A Girl said...

Holy. Shit. That was difficult to read. And I don't think I could ever top it as far as bad posts. Good for you! :)

Learning As I Go said...

sounds like he has someone on the side. Move on he doesn't deserve you.

Jeney Peney said...

@ Just a Girl I gave myself a headache (un?)proof-reading it. It's absolutely awful!

@Blondie You're 100% correct on that one. I wish it didn't take four months to figure out.

victor eastwood said...

ummm... did a 16yr old girl hijack your blog tonight?

Progressive Momma said...

Good luck...hope you win worst post

Unknown said...

Besides this being an amazing attempt at being a terrible post. AMAZING. You better win...

I have to wonder, despite not being one of your "friends" and only an avid reader, but really Jeney? Really? This guy? Totally not worth the time or effort. What a douche! Sorry for the bad luck.

scarletnite said...

Besides this being an amazing attempt at being a terrible post. AMAZING. You better win...

I have to wonder, despite not being one of your "friends" and only an avid reader, but really Jeney? Really? This guy? Totally not worth the time or effort. What a douche! Sorry for the bad luck.