Thursday, October 29, 2009

TMI Thursday - Of Moving Boxes and Porn

It’s time for TMI Thursday, brought to you by LiLu. As she always says, you know the rules. Join us all in humiliating the crap out of yourself every Thursday by sharing some completely tasteless, wholly unclassy, “how many readers can I estrange THIS week??” TMI story about your life. Or hell, about someone else’s!

When I took my new job and decided to venture into the great white north of America, the only thing I was really nervous about was the whole moving process. At that point, the most earth shattering move I had made was into my college dorm room (Which in actuality is a mini-move. You don't bring nearly as much shit with you and the furniture was already there.)

Before I knew it, I was lying face down on my bed sobbing my face off because I didn't have a hitch on my car to tow a trailer nor could I afford both a moving truck and trailer to tow my car and I had accumulated an inordinate amount of CRAP in the previous five years. Oh! And my family wasn't going to come help me make the biggest move of my life.

Cue saint-like (or so I thought) roommate and his girlfriend who offered to tow a trailer from Indiana to North Dakota to help me move.

The move itself was really nothing to write home about... we Redneck MacGyvered a tarp to the bed of the truck in an attempt to keep my bed set dry, but that was the only exciting part.

Would have been better if we were at a Wal Mart.

It was when the unpacking process began that I realized there were consequences to asking your overgrown, seventeen year old roommates to help you move.

I was sitting in my new living room while the roommate's girlfriend unpacked kitchen stuff when I started to unpack my drawers and boxes. Once I picked up a drawer to get to the one below it I was greeted with a wonderful, close-up, vidid photograph of Blondie McSugartits seductively placing objects of an adult nature into her no-no area.

I realized that my roommates ripped out pages of a porn mag and stuck them in EVERYTHING I OWNED!

Not that I would normally have a problem with this. Porn is great. My problem lied in all my new neighbors watching me as I carried open drawers and boxes with more images of McSugartits and all her friends doing naughty things to their lady parts. They also watched me chase said pages around the parking lot as the wind carried them away.

I made an awesome first impression.


carissajaded said...

Oh that is awesome. They sound like the kind of roommates with whom I would get a long superbly.

rachaelgking said...

"Redneck MacGyvered"???

You should SO enter that into Urban Dictionary!

Anonymous said...

You have just given me the best idea ever! Thank you for this! One woman's TMI another man's moving gift to new roommates.

Ed said...


Jeney Peney said...

@carissajaded They were pretty much the best roommates ever.

@LiLu Waiting for confirmation!

@justjp Glad to be of service. :-)

Jeney Peney said...

@Ed Adams It would have been better if it was male porn... at least then the neighbors wouldn't think I am a lesbian. (Wait... I guess that's not so bad.) :-P

MJenks said...

C'mon! The Wal-Mart was across the street and down a block. You could have totally made it there for the photo op.

My boss and his room mates did this to a guy on their floor in college. Except it was gay porn. And the dude was Indian. And his parents were very strict.

And he never returned to Penn State.

Jeney Peney said...

@mjenks Wow. I almost feel bad for him. Then I remember it's Penn State. :-P

Tasha said...

hahahahahahaha love it !!!

Amy said...

"Redneck MacGyvered". Haha love it!

You are too funny. This post totally cracked me up!

Zan said...

That is too damned funny...

...maybe not to you at the time, but still.

Anonymous said...

Ha! And in North Dakota of all places. Hee. Too funny.

I just found you through the blog swap you did like 80 million years ago with Doni (HI! am behind! catching up!) and I saw that you live in Fargo and was like NO WAY. Because I went to school in Moorhead and my brother is currently attending NDSU and oh, that's right, I grew up in Montana and lived in Minneapolis for a few years. That's my part of the country, up there.

So hi! Nice to find you. Your blog is wonderful.

courtney903 said...

Ha! And in North Dakota of all places. Hee. Too funny.

I just found you through the blog swap you did like 80 million years ago with Doni (HI! am behind! catching up!) and I saw that you live in Fargo and was like NO WAY. Because I went to school in Moorhead and my brother is currently attending NDSU and oh, that's right, I grew up in Montana and lived in Minneapolis for a few years. That's my part of the country, up there.

So hi! Nice to find you. Your blog is wonderful.

LiLu said...

"Redneck MacGyvered"???

You should SO enter that into Urban Dictionary!