Wednesday, January 27, 2010


In honor of the four inches of slush that no one deemed necessary to plow we got over the weekend that froze into a plate of ice I am not exaggerating over the roads this week as well as the bitter below freezing temperatures that render the salt useless that decided to return to us and the blowing snow that made my commute to work absolutely terrifying on Monday and run-on sentences, I am posting a delightful little poem about winter my brother forwarded to me in a e-mail.

Happy Hump Day!


carissajaded said...

LOL love it. My sentiments exactly!

MJenks said...

That's poignant.

JeffScape said...

Hah! Excellent.

Sassy said...

I love it. Winter sucks.

Ed said...

I love the new look.

Ed Adams said...

I love the new look.