Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm Just Sayin' - What Recession?

Well, apparently I have been living under a rock for the past three or four years. ::insert dumb cheerleader-esque giggle here::

Did you know the US economy is falling apart faster than a Kia and we’re actually in a recession?! No way! I sure didn't!

I was actually completely clueless to the fact that less than 15% of 2009 college graduates did so with a job offer (compared to about 25% for the class of 2008 and 50% for the class of 2007*).

Seriously? Holy shit! Where the hell have I been??

I thought a jobs were handed out like candy? I figured everyone who graduates with a Bachelors is automatically handed one. I never knew you had to find them on your own! Whoda thunk?!

Oh boy! I guess I need to go read “Real Life for Dummies”. Aaaand so does this girl.

Ok, Seriously. I’m not that naïve. And if you believed anything I wrote above the line before this one you really should stop reading my blog. You're embarrassing me.

I know the economy sucks and I know I am damn lucky to have a job right now. However! ::ahem:: I fought, sweat, cried, screamed, crawled, and bled for everything I have achieved to this day. I was never handed anything on a silver platter.

I graduated with a 3.2 GPA from a prestigious college I busted my ass to get into. I landed a job straight out of college because I worked damn hard as an intern for them. I bought my own car and am paying for it with my own money. If anything I had to beat someone with a rusty fork to even look at the damn silver platter.

Just because you’ve got a degree and what arguably is a brain does not mean you are entitled to a cushy job. Work at Payless for a couple months if you have to. Or for the love of all that is holy, go sign up for an account on

She’s been looking for a job for 3 months? Big whoop. That kind of dedication reflects her 2.7 GPA**. I have friends who have been looking for jobs since the graduated LAST YEAR. I wonder how much they could sue our college for 15 months of stress?

My grandparents’ and parents’ generations say mine is lazy and we refuse to work for anything. You know what? I agree. We are not going to be handed big positions and rock star jobs just for graduating college.

Get up off your good for nothing, lazy, college educated, 20-something ass and find a god damn job on your own.

I’m just sayin’.

* I got these numbers from the 2009 Commencement Speaker for Saint Mary’s College of Notre Dame. You don’t like them? Well, screw you. Take it up with her.
** I’m not trying to knock people with 2.7 GPAs – just this girl.



i feel ya! i lost my job about 2 months ago due to a merger. 2 days later i posted an ad on craigslist to watch kids until i can find something better! way better than sitting on my ass and it's great material for blogging. what a silly girl she is! real life is hard for some people! i just find it humorous!

Helen said...

Oh wow, tht's so ridiculous! if you ask anyone from a generation or two older than us they'll tell you real stories of hard work!

Here people strike because they want free houses, more money and then they strike to complain about the fact that prices have gone up so that the taxpayers can afford their taxes which pay for all those things...

Times are really tough right now, but if you're willing to work hard and learn and maybe not have your dream job but work to get experience then there's no reason to go crying to your lawyer because things weren't handed out to you.

Unknown said...

Holy crap...I read the article and I hate this girl. She is absolutely ridiculous. I can't believe the balls of that girl to think that she can sue for $72K because her 2.7gpa has landed her a job yet. What the FISH!!!

I agree with your grandparents, sadly most people in our generation don't understand the concept of working. They do expect things to be handed to them on a silver platter. Granted, I was very lucky to have had the financial support from my parents, but I worked hard to make sure that I didn’t fuck up. This girl has made me so very angry….grrr angry fists…

You should be very proud of yourself for your accomplishments…

MJenks said...

Yeah, I went and had to find a job at a bookstore for a year before I packed off to that college...across the street. *ahem*

Anyway, what the hey? I shouldn't have worked, apparently, I should have just sued St. Joe.

Organic Meatbag said...

If I lose my job, I will resort to selling my organs...starting with my brain...I mean, I can always grow another one, right?

Dani said...

Holy crap...I read the article and I hate this girl. She is absolutely ridiculous. I can't believe the balls of that girl to think that she can sue for $72K because her 2.7gpa has landed her a job yet. What the FISH!!!

I agree with your grandparents, sadly most people in our generation don't understand the concept of working. They do expect things to be handed to them on a silver platter. Granted, I was very lucky to have had the financial support from my parents, but I worked hard to make sure that I didn’t fuck up. This girl has made me so very angry….grrr angry fists…

You should be very proud of yourself for your accomplishments…