Friday, January 29, 2010

The Best Moment of My Life

I recently went and signed myself up for a account and I have one thing to say.

You guys are weird.

I know I can be pretty ridiculous and I have little to no shame/dignity left, but seriously people? What the hell kind of questions are these? Sexiest piece of lingerie? My signature “moves” in bed? Absurd.

I spent a lot of time toiling with whether or not to be serious or facetious in my answers, but one question totally and honestly had me stumped…

“What has been the best moment of your life to date?”

Holy soul searching Batman!

Immediately about three different things had popped into my mind… The second I finished presenting and defending my senior thesis. Moving into my first apartment on my own. Realizing my bra size was a whole cup bigger in Target bras.

But are any of those really the best moment of my life? I mean, I have had a lot of moments in my twenty something years. So what if I finished my thesis? I’m not the only one who had to do the damn thing. Moving into an apartment? Big deal; I’ve moved into three others since then. And no matter what the tag says, the girls still confirm my membership to the Itty Bitty Tittie Committee.

So I began to dig really deep into the gray matter beneath my skull to come up with that one moment that was so mind-blowing, so magnificent, and so absolutely and completely fantastical that it trumped all others.

Thinking of that one moment is a lot of pressure, people.

It was over fourteen hours later, but I finally found my answer. It was hiding within the quote, "Life is not measured by breaths we take in a moment, but by moments that take our breaths away.” I know that is completely cliché and cheesy, but it is. so. true.

There are so many moments in my life that really were so mind-blowing, so magnificent, and so absolutely and completely fantastical that they make all the awful and shit-tacular moments obsolete.

Like the time we brought home our first puppy, Rufus, and he immediately pooped on the carpet in the living room. But he was so cute and we were so happy to have him we all just laughed.

Or when my grandparents celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary and you could see they were still so madly in love with each other that you couldn’t help but smile with them the whole night.

Then there was the time my brother brought home a paper heart from his second grade class that prompted “Something I will love forever is…” and he had filled in “my sister Jeney.”

Live your life one moment at a time, because otherwise you will miss something. As Cesare Pavese said in another cliché and overused quote, “We do not remember days, we remember moments. The richness of life lies in memories we have forgotten.”

Tell me, what is your best moment?


Organic Meatbag said...

I am hoping my best moment is still yet to come!

Dawn Lovitt said...

Wow, best moment? Best? Not to be too cheesy myself, but usually any moment where I realize something NEW. Or any moment that someone else is so happy about something that it brings ME to tears. I have had many maybe it's not the moment but internal reaction seems the same...when the heart is so full your eyes fill with tears from what is overflowing from it. That is the best.

ClaireMontgomeryMD said...

great post! i cannot narrow down my best moment.

carissajaded said...

Bejeez! that is a hard question!! I have no idea... I could write a book on it I suppose. I guess best would be the when I was born, otherwise I wouldn't have had any of the others...

carissajaded said...

Bejeez! that is a hard question!! I have no idea... I could write a book on it I suppose. I guess best would be the when I was born, otherwise I wouldn't have had any of the others...